Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Next Meeting: Wednesday 3rd May, Workshop with Judith Barlass - A patchwork cushion cover

The colour basket for the month is titled "metallics". Please pick up your next "background for stitching" for your Fly Stitch sampler. Blanket stitch sample:

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Next Meeting: Wednesday 19th April

Next week is a Stitch Day and a GTAG alternative programme workshop, when participants can work with Bondaweb and Tyvek. All materials will be provided. I suggest bringing a note book to mount your samples and write details of the processes you are shown. The mixed media journal making workshop by Christine Stanford at our last meeting was enjoyed by all. Christine is a lovely patient lady and under her guidance and encouragement we produced an assortment of personal embellished books. Christine completed a BA Hons Degree in embroidery and now teaches and exhibits her work extensively throughout the UK.

Monday, April 3, 2023

Next Meeting: Wednesday 5th April - Workshop with Christine Stanford

We are looking forward to the mixed media journal making workshop given by Christine Stanford. The journal will include a collection of your own memories. The colour basket for the month is titled "Spring Colours". Please pick up your next "background for stitching" for your chain stitch sampler.