Friday, June 18, 2021

Next meeting

 10:00 am Wednesday July 7th Anne Barron Workshop "Interpreting a picture with stitch"

Cathedral Window and Seminole Patchwork

Cathedral Window and Seminole patchwork samples produced by the Grassington Textile Art Group

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Next Meeting

 10:00 am Wednesday 16th June Zoom workshop "Cathedral window and Seminole patchwork"

Weaving on a Pillow Loom

Ann Pocklington kept the members of Grassington Textile Arts Group busy with a zoom workshop yesterday. Although non of us were new to weaving, weaving on a pillow loom was something I had not seen! This method of weaving produces a bag shape, or pillow, with the sides and the bottom closed as you weave. The top is also finished off on the loom! The finished bag could be embellished or a zip or fastener would be needed for the cushion cover. Using a variety of coloured threads and textures, the embellishing could be included in the weaving.

I hope to share more photos as members finish their weaving and embellishing. Thank you Ann for sharing this clever little sewing technique with our textile group on such a sunny hot day!