Saturday, September 16, 2023

Next Meeting: September 20th, Using an Embellisher

 Christine Stanford's talk, "A Stitch Back in Time" after our AGM at the last meeting,  was a superb start to our new 2023-2024 Textile Art Programme in Grassington. Christine described her journey in stitching and illustrated it with some wonderful photographs of her work as it developed through time. She also brought with her a selection of her pieces for us to handle and admire. Christine's enthusiasm for her passion in stitching and textiles was highly infectious and just what we needed to start our own autumn journeys in needlework. 

We are looking forward to a varied and exciting year with this dynamic textile group in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales.

The photos below are just a small selection of Christine's work illustrating her amazing talent.

At our next meeting, there will be a workshop on using the Embellisher.