Monday, September 6, 2021

Next Meetings: Wednesday, September 15th Stitch Day, Wednesday October 6th "Botanical theme lino print onto fabric" workshop with Catherine Carmyllie

GTAG  are looking forward to the Stitch Day on September 15th, when we bring our own items to work on. This is a way of sharing ideas and inspirations. There will also be the opportunity to make a Yorkshire button for those who wish to.

Our next workshop will be with Catherine Carmyllie on the first Wednesday of next month at 10:00am. Due to the popularity of this course, Catherine will be bringing another tutor and we can now accommodate 25 participants.

Can I remind members to bring their blue contributions to the Raffle Basket on the first Wednesday of October.

Hebden Bridge open studios is taking place Oct 1st - 3rd and well worth a visit.

Northlight Autumn programme is now available at Hebden Bridge

Catherine Carmyllie Botanical theme lino print examples sent by Catherine.